Study of light reflected from one object to another.
Charcoal and Chalk on A3 Sugar Paper.
Shadows and reflected light and shade.
Charcoal on A2 Paper.
What are the difficulties in separating
cast shadow from reflected light and shade?
When using both charcoal and chalk in the
first drawing, it was difficult using both these tonally opposite mediums and
still trying to create a range of tones without the whole drawing just turning
into a smudgy grey mess. I attempted to get over this problem by using the blue
of the paper as a mid-tone thus separating the two. The cast shadow had much more
solidity and a much harder quality to it so I used just charcoal when trying to
portray these bits, most noticeably in the shading on the surface upon which
the objects are standing.
The reflected shadow and light follows the
contours of the objects. How have you shown this in your drawing?
When applying the charcoal or chalk I
followed the shape of the object, allowing the contours to show and define
themselves. Like ont he bowel in the first picture and especially on the pepper
grinder in the second picture.